10 ways to get opinions on your paintings


I’m sure you’d like to have as many constructive and objective opinions as possible on your paintings?

So it’s with great pleasure that I come to share with you how to get feedback on your paintings.


Get advice from your family & friends

In theory, family and friends are the people closest to you and the most accessible.

So it’s only natural that you should ask them for their opinion.

I find that this is the first and easiest step in getting initial feedback on your paintings.

But beware! People who want to please you may have an unbiased opinion of your creations, and this is perfectly normal and natural.


Get advice from other painters

Painters can give you objective advice. What’s more, their experience will enable you to easily correct any mistakes you may make, and help you evolve rapidly.


Opinions via exhibitions

Exhibitions are a great way to get opinions, and there are several advantages:

  • Possibility of having a large number of opinions
  • Face-to-face contact
  • Feedback comes from all kinds of people (not necessarily art professionals).
  • View reactions directly on the audience’s faces


Opinions via the Internet

Get reviews via a Facebook page

A facebook page is a great way to get feedback. Be sure to create a Facebook page dedicated to your art, and not a Facebook “profile” account.

As with everything, it will take patience and investment to get a community on your page that is active and responds to your various broadcasts. You’ll need to actively manage this Facebook page.


Get notifications via a Twitter account

Twitter is a social network that works differently from Facebook. I don’t use it as much as Facebook, so I won’t go into detail, but it can help you get opinions on your art.

Get reviews on Pinterest

Pinterest is interesting: it too is a social network, but its approach is image-based! You can easily distribute all the photos of your paintings, and the system can also be used for feedback.

Get reviews with DevianArt

DeviantArt is a website where artists can showcase their creations: Painters, digital artists, etc.

The advantage of this service is that you can show your paintings and get a certain visibility without necessarily being famous.

In fact, all you have to do is post photos on a regular basis to get feedback. On the other hand, as the community is predominantly English-speaking, you’re bound to come across comments in English.

Get reviews via an artist’s website or blog

It’s more substantial than creating a page on social networks, but with time and good communication you’ll be able to raise the profile of your website and blog, and get lots of relevant reviews.


Opinions on Forums

Discussion forums, such as the “How it works” forum, let you ask the community a question.

So you can always ask for advice on your paintings.


Get opinions with a Youtube channel!

In fact, as I do in this video, you can ask for opinions on your YouTube channel by filming yourself and showing your paintings directly.



I’ve shown you 10 techniques for getting feedback and opinions on your creation. These techniques work for me, so why shouldn’t they work for you?

As this list is not exhaustive, I suggest that you also post your own tips in the comments section for feedback! Thanks in advance!

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